Icon for: Greg Monty


North Carolina A&T State University, Strategic Evaluations, Guilford County Schools
Public Discussion

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  • Icon for: Greg Monty

    Greg Monty

    Lead Presenter
    May 12, 2019 | 07:49 p.m.

    Welcome to EMERGEinSTEM.  I am interested in motivating students from grades 4-12 onto the STEM pathway to college and beyond.  Have you seen how exposure to STEM career opportunities help motivate students to enter STEM?  How young are the students when they latch on to STEM?  Do teachers, administrators, parents know enough to educate students about the "possibilities" for exciting, challenging, and usually rewarding jobs in STEM?  Do "out-of-school" activities make the difference?  or is it mostly from in-school education that brings a student into STEM?  All of these questions and more are explored in EMERGEinSTEM which is about 16 months old, and will be completed after 24 months (Dec 2019).

    Give me any feedback you can think of.  Thanks.  Greg Monty

  • Icon for: Camellia Sanford-Dolly

    Camellia Sanford-Dolly

    Senior Research Associate
    May 13, 2019 | 11:40 a.m.

    In looking at the variety of experiences that you're exploring as mechanisms for helping students become more aware of or interested in STEM careers, do you have any hypotheses about which activities might foster greater awareness versus which ones might lead to increased interest (i.e., Do some activities result in different outcomes than others?). I was also curious about the LearningBlade interactive and whether that interface is being paired with what students are doing during the Energy Day event or whether they are separate initiatives with similar goals.

  • Icon for: Greg Monty

    Greg Monty

    Lead Presenter
    May 14, 2019 | 10:34 a.m.

    We are definitely looking at the data from different perspectives.  We believe that the interest in STEM will come from the intensity, frequency, and type of STEM intervention that the students have.  Other factors will also be in play including who is delivering the message:  teachers, parents, peers, industry, others.  We have collected data (pre- and post-surveys) from interventions that have lasted 3 weeks, one day, multiple days, and over semesters (like Learning Blade usage).  I am just now collecting post-surveys on Learning Blade for the 2018-19 academic year.  We have a mechanism to measure if a person not only used LB (and how much they used that software), but also if they attended Energy Day, or other interventions.  This is done with a UserID that is the same on all surveys done.

    We hope to report out all the results by late in 2019.  Thanks for your interest.

  • Icon for: Jake Foster

    Jake Foster

    May 13, 2019 | 02:12 p.m.

    Given the prevalence of out-of-school or after-school "STEM Days" or "STEM Fairs" that many schools do know, I often wonder about the effectiveness of those experiences on student's career awareness. It is likely that effectiveness is dependent on the particular experiences and interactions a student has at these events, which can vary widely from table to table, trailer to trailer, or exhibitor to exhibitor. Are there learnings or findings from your work that may inform organizers of such events to increase the potential for impact? Are there conditions that you are identifying that may lead to more systemic partnerships with a school or district to bring current STEM career activities or active STEM learning into the classroom curriculum?

  • Icon for: Greg Monty

    Greg Monty

    Lead Presenter
    May 14, 2019 | 03:21 p.m.

    I agree completely with you on the different interventions, and not really knowing whether they are/can have the desired impact.  

    I believe we are already seeing some data that suggests that if a person has reached 11th or 12th grade, and is on a STEM pathway, Camps or other interventions have a small impact on their thinking (they are already a STEM person).

    Bringing anything into the classroom curriculum is a major challenge that I have confronted.  The schools have such constrained goals and objectives, and adding to the list of things that teachers do is VERY difficult.  I was challenged to get the teachers to use the FREE software with their students as it is Supplemental learning, and is not generally set up to align a specific Mission in LB with a specific objective in the State education standards.  It could be used that way, but is much more difficult to do.  Each Mission/Lesson in LB addresses multiple standards.

    I do believe that the multiple interventions that students receive both in-school, and out-of-school will lead some to STEM pathways, and we are trying to prove some of that in the research to be published later this year.  

    Last, I was hoping to build a ground-swell community effort behind EMERGEinSTEM, but bringing the entire community together has been one of the biggest challenges.  The culture of the entire city is involved with this type of effort.  The Tennessee Stem Innovation Network TSIN has done this successfully, but it took 15 years to accomplish.

    The 2 years of effort in this NSF INCLUDES project are enough to show some impact, but a much longer effort is needed to demonstrate that career exposure can lead to excellent outcomes.  

    Thanks for your interest.

  • Icon for: Breanne Litts

    Breanne Litts

    Assistant Professor
    May 14, 2019 | 01:25 p.m.

    Thanks for sharing your project! I love the multi-pronged approach in the project. I'm curious how the website has been used. What was the purpose behind its design? How has the website equipped the community? I have similar questions about the software as well. How does Learning Blade engage students in the various career paths? 

    In my own work, I've struggled with how we move beyond exposure to sustaining participation. How have you thought about this in your own work? In other words, exposure may be great for sparking interest, but how does that interest translate into actual pursuit of career? Is that the goal? I'd love to hear your team's thoughts on this. 



  • Icon for: Jaime Gutierrez

    Jaime Gutierrez

    May 15, 2019 | 10:46 a.m.

    Thanks for sharing! It's really interesting to think about bringing partners on to projects like this to build support networks that can connect youth, schools, out-of-school programs, universities, and industry. Can you say a bit more about the challenges you've faced in getting others on board? The reluctance from teachers is understandable. Have you tried reaching out to industry partners? If so, what are some of their thoughts/concerns?

  • Icon for: Regina Werum

    Regina Werum

    Higher Ed Faculty
    May 15, 2019 | 03:19 p.m.

    Thanks for sharing this information -- will the software/curriculum component you are suing to expose students to STEM careers and introduce them to fields and concepts be available to other researchers and school systems?  Also, do your pre/post surveys provide any insight into how long the "buzz" lasts, meaning the long term impact of STEM exposure interventions like this?

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